Aster Annual Calendar 2023



Too often, we underestimate the power of a smile. It is one of the smallest acts of care that has the potential to turn a life around. A smile can transform someone’s dark moment like a bright ray of light.

Here’s how you can build a happier world through smiles.

  • Greet your domestic worker with a smile every day.
  • While entering or exiting a building, acknowledge the people who hold the gates open for you, with a smile.
  • If you are at a restaurant or buying something over the counter, make sure to extend a hearty smile before you leave.
  • When you are being dropped off at your destination, appreciate the person behind the wheel, with a smile.
  • When you get your needs delivered home to your doorstep, express gratitude with a genuine heartfelt smile..
  • If you enjoyed a service at a restaurant, or a delivery, try leaving a positive review mentioning the experience. It goes a long way to help the service ambassadors who do their best each day to ensure you have a delightful experience.
  • Take a moment out of your busy schedule to connect with the service ambassadors. Thank them in person or ask them how their day/ year has been. A small gesture from your end can make a huge difference to their day and motivate them to keep going on.

These small acts don’t always make a difference in your life, but it is priceless for the ones receiving them. You have the power to impact other lives positively, utilize the opportunity as often as you can.

Watch this video of people smiling and see how it lifts your spirit immediately.